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(4)kpartx命令依据设备上分区表创建device mapper设备。当须要在DM-MP设备上使用基于DOS的分区时,这个命令是必须。
每个multipath设备都有一个WWID(World Wide Identifier),这个id是全球唯一并且不可更改的。默认情况下,multipath设备的名称被设置为它的WWID。只是也能够在配置文件里使用_friendly_names选项。为设备取一个别名,别名为mpath[n]。
pvscreate /dev/mapper/mpath0
filter = [ "r/disk/", "r/sd.*/", "a/.*/"
devnode_blacklist {
devnode "*"
modprobe dm-multipath
sevice multipathd start
multipath -v2
注:multipath -v2会打印出已经聚合的数据链路。
(5)使用 chkconfig multipathd on,让multipath服务开机自己主动启动。
(1)使用 multipath -v2 确认本地磁盘的信息。如以下的演示样例(sda为本地scsi磁盘):
[root@localhost ~]# multipath -v2
create: SIBM-ESXSST336732LC____F3ET0EP0Q000072428BX1
[size=33 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"]
\_ round-robin 0
\_ 0:0:0:0 sda 8:0
device-mapper ioctl cmd 9 failed: Invalid argument
device-mapper ioctl cmd 14 failed: No such device or address
create: 3600a0b80001327d80000006d43621677
[size=12 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"]
\_ round-robin 0
\_ 2:0:0:0 sdb 8:16
\_ 3:0:0:0 sdf 8:80
create: 3600 a0b80001327510000009a436215ec
[size=12 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"]
\_ round-robin 0
\_ 2:0:0:1 sdc 8:32
\_ 3:0:0:1 sdg 8:96
create: 3600a0b80001327d800000070436216b3
[size=12 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"]
\_ round-robin 0
\_ 2:0:0:2 sdd 8:48
\_ 3:0:0:2 sdh 8:112
create: 3600a0b80001327510000009b4362163e
[size=12 GB][features="0"][hwhandler="0"]
\_ round-robin 0
\_ 2:0:0:3 sde 8:64
\_ 3:0:0:3 sdi 8:128
wwid SIBM-ESXSST336732LC____F3ET0EP0Q000072428BX1
multipath -F
multipath -v2
比如在配置为鉴中加入HP Open-V:
devices {
device {
vendor "HP"
product "OPEN-V"
getuid_callout "/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -p0x80 -s /block/%n"
这些配置会覆盖defaults段的配置。假设使用的存储控制器不被DM-Multipath支持,那么就须要为这样的类型的控制器加一个devices subsection。
7.2配置blacklist devnode_blacklist指定了系统在配置multipath设备时不使用的设备,默认情况全部的设备都在这个列表中。凝视掉默认的一行之后,能够在列表中增加某一种类型的设备或者某一特定的设备。禁用设备有2种方法:
blacklist {
wwid 26353900f02796769
devnode_blacklist {
devnode "^sd[a-z]"
blacklist {
devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
devnode "^hd[a-z]"
devnode "^cciss!c[0-9]d[0-9]*"
device-mapper-multipathing。须要全然的升级操作系统。早期的红帽企业Linux 4 不包括这个功能。编辑文件/etc/multipath.conf。在文件头部凝视掉例如以下内容: devnode_blacklist { devnode "*" } 例如以下例: # devnode_blacklist { # devnode "*" # } 取消文件 /etc/multipath.conf中这段的凝视,这段内容能让 device-mapper multipathing 不用扫描全部的设备。
etc/multipath.conf file:
defaults { multipath_tool "/sbin/multipath -v0" udev_dir /dev polling_interval 10 default_selector "round-robin 0" default_path_grouping_policy multibus default_getuid_callout "/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/%n" default_prio_callout "/bin/true" default_features "0" rr_wmin_io 100 failback immediate } devnode_blacklist { wwid 26353900f02796769 devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*" devnode "^hd[a-z][[0-9]*]" devnode "^cciss!c[0-9]d[0-9]*[p[0-9]*]" } 这段设置了默认的 device-mapper 的动作。而且去出了通常不会有多路径的设备。如IDE硬盘和软盘。默认的hd*设备的黑名单存在这一个排印错误。须要改动。
devnode "^hd[a-z][[0-9]*]" 把上行改动为例如以下: devnode "^hd[a-z][0-9]*" 为了实现简单的failover功能,下例中,defaults 组中的默认的 default_path_grouping_policy 选项被设置成为 failover。 defaults { multipath_tool "/sbin/multipath -v0" udev_dir /dev polling_interval 10 default_selector "round-robin 0" default_path_grouping_policy failover default_getuid_callout "/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/%n" default_prio_callout "/bin/true" default_features "0" rr_wmin_io 100 failback immediate } 退出编辑并保存设置,运行例如以下命令 modprobe dm-multipath modprobe dm-round-robin service multipathd start multipath -v2 命令 multipath -v2 能显示多路径,从而能知道那些设备工作在多路径下。假设没有全部输出。确认全部的SAN连接被正确的设置。系统有没有正确的开启多路径功能。运行例如以下命令确认多路径服务有无启动。
chkconfig multipathd on 设备的设备名会被生成,/dev/dm-#,#指代的是多路径组,假设/dev/sda是唯一的多路径设备,/dev/dm-0将会是 /dev/sda和/dev/sdb的多路径设备。注意:fdisk不能用于设备/dev/dm-#。使用fdisk仅仅能操作基础磁盘,要在设备映射多路
径映射设备上创建/dev/dm-#分区的操作. 运行一下命令。 kpartx -a /dev/dm-# 注意: dmsetup ls ?target=multipath
是个协助侦測系统上多路径设备的命令。假设在多路径设备数据库中没有发现硬件,请查看文章“How can I add moreproducts into the mutipathing database?”
============================= RHEL4 U3 Device Mapper Multipath Usage
Maintainer ------------ Benjamin Marzinski
Overview ------------ Device Mapper Multipath (DM-MP) allows nodes to route I/O over multiple paths to a storage controller. A path refers to the connection from an HBA port to a storage controller port. As paths fail and new paths come up, DM-MP reroutes the I/O over the available paths.
When there are multiple paths to a storage controller, each path appears as a separate device. DM-MP creates a new device on top of those devices. For example, a node with two HBAs attached to a storage controller with two ports via a single unzoned FC switch sees four devices: /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, and /dev/sdd. DM-MP creates a single device, /dev/mpath/mpath1 that reroutes I/O to those four underlying devices.
DM-MP consists of the following components:
o dm-multipath kernel module -- This module reroutes I/O and fails over paths and path groups.
o multipath command -- This command configures, lists, and removes multipath devices. The command is run in rc.sysinit during startup, and by udev, whenever a block device is added.
o multipathd daemon -- This daemon monitors paths, checking to see if faulty paths have been fixed. As paths come back up, multipathd may also initiate path group switches to ensure that the optimal path group is being used. Also, it is possible to interactively modify a multipath device.
o kpartx command -- This command creates Device Mapper devices for the partitions on a device. It is necessary to use this command for DOS- based partitions with DM-MP.
DM-MP works with a variety of storage arrays. It auto-configures the following storage arrays:o 3PARdata VV o Compaq HSV110 o Compaq MSA1000 o DDN SAN DataDirector o DEC HSG80 o EMC SYMMETRIX o EMC CLARiiON o FSC CentricStor o GNBD o HITACHI DF400 o HITACHI DF500 o HITACHI DF600 o HP HSV110 o HP HSV210 o HP A6189A o HP Open- o IBM 3542 o IBM ProFibre 4000R o NETAPP o SGI TP9100 o SGI TP9300 o SGI TP9400 o SGI TP9500 o STK OPENstroage D280 o SUN StorEdge 3510 o SUN T4
Storage arrays not included in the list may require entries in the /etc/multipath.conf file.
NOTE: Some storage arrays require special handling of I/O errors and path-group switching. Those require separate hardware handler kernel modules.
Terms and Concepts ---------------------
Hardware Handler: A kernel module that performs hardware-specific actions when switching path groups and dealing with I/O errors.
Path: The connection from an HBA port to a storage controller port for a LUN. Each path appears as a separate device. Paths can be in various states (refer to "Path States").
Path States: ready - Path is able to handle I/O requests. shaky - Path is up, but temporarily not available for normal operations. faulty - Path is unable to handle I/O requests. ghost - Path is a passive path, on an active/passive controller.
NOTE: The shaky and ghost states only exist for certain storage arrays.
Path Group: A grouping of paths. With DM-MP, only one path group--the active path group--receives I/O at any time. Within a path group, DM-MP selects which ready path should receive I/O in a round robin fashion. Path groups can be in various states (refer to "Path Group States").
Path Group States: active - Path group currently receiving I/O requests. enabled - Path groups to try if the active path group has no paths in the ready state. disabled - Path groups to try if the active path group and all enabled path groups have no paths in the active state.
NOTE: The disabled state only exists for certain storage arrays.
Path Priority: Each path can have a priority assigned to it by a callout program. Path priorities can be used to group paths by priority and change their relative weights for the round robin path selector.
Path Group Priority: Each path group has a priority that is equal to the sum of the priorities of all the non-faulty paths in the group. By default, the multipathd daemon tries to ensure that the path group with the highest priority is always in the active state.
Failover: When I/O to a path fails, the dm-multipath module tries to switch to an enabled path group. If there are no enabled path groups with any paths in the ready state, dm-multipath tries to switch to a disabled path group. If necessary, dm-multipath runs the hardware handler for the multipath device.
Failback: At regular intervals, multipathd checks the current priority of all path groups. If the current path group is not the highest priority path group, multipathd reacts according to the failback mode. By default, multipathd immediately switches to the highest priority path group. Other options for multipathd are to (a) wait for a user-defined length of time (for the path groups to stabilize) and then switch or (b) for multipathd to do nothing and wait for manual intervention. Failback can be forced at any time by running the multipath command.
Multipath device: The multipath device is the device mapper device created by dm-multipath. A multipath device can be identified by either its WWID or its alias. A multipath device has one or more path groups. It also has numerous attributes defined in the following file: /usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipathd-0.4.5/multipath.conf.annotated
alias: The alias is the name of a multipath device. By default, the alias is set to the WWID. However, by setting the "user_friendly_names" configuration option, the alias is set to a unique name of the form mpath<n>. The alias name can also be explicitly set for each multipath device in the configuration file.
NOTE: While the alias in guaranteed to be unique on a node, it is not guaranteed to be the same on all nodes using the multipath device. Also, it may change.
WWID: The WWID (World Wide Identifier) is an identifier for the multipath device that is guaranteed to be globally unique and unchanging. It is determined by the getuid callout program.
Using DM-MP ------------------------------------Initial setup:
1. If it is not already installed. Install the device-mapper-multipath package.
2. Edit /etc/multipath.conf. For new installations, all devices are blacklisted. The default blacklist is listed in the commented out section of /etc/multipath.conf. If you comment out or delete the following lines in /etc/multipath.conf, the default blacklist takes effect:
devnode_blacklist { devnode "*" }
For some conditions, that may not be sufficient. If DM-MP is multipathing devices that you do not want it to work on, you can blacklist the devices by either device name or WWID.
NOTE: It is safest to blacklist individual devices by WWID, because their device names may change.
Several other configuration options are detailed later in this document. To check the effects of configuration changes, you can do a dry run with the following command:
# multipath -v2 -d
3. Set the multipathd init script to run at boot time. by issuing the commands
# chkconfig --add multipathd # chkconfig multipathd on
4. start dm-multipath (This is only necessary the first time. On reboot, this should happen automatically).
# multipath # /etc/init.d/multipathd start
After initial setup, all access to the multipathed storage should go through the multipath device.
GNBD devices will not be automatically multipathed after they are imported. The command
# multipath
must be run after every time the devices are imported. Otherwise the Multipath devices will not be created.
Configuration File:
Many features of DM-MP are configurable using the configuration file, /etc/multipath.conf.
For a complete list of all options with descriptions, refer to /usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipathd-0.4.5/multipath.conf.annotated
The configuration file is divided into four sections: system defaults, blacklisted devices (devnode_blacklist), per storage array model settings (devices), and per multipath device settings (multipaths). The per multipath device settings are used for the multipath device with a matching "wwid" value. The per storage array model settings are used for all multipath devices with matching "vendor" and "product" values. To determine the attributes of a multipath device, first the per multipath settings are checked, then the per controller settings, then the system defaults. The blacklisted device section is described setup step 2.
NOTE: There are compiled-in defaults for the "defaults", "devnode_blacklist", and "devices" sections of the configuration file. To see what these are, refer to the following file:
If you are using one of the storage arrays listed in the preceding text (in "Overview"), you probably do not need to modify the "devices" subsection. If you are using a simple disk enclosure, the defaults should work. If you are using a storage array that is not listed, you may need to create a "devices" subsection for your array.
Reconfiguring a running system:
If any changes are make to the configuration file that will effect multipathd (check /usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipathd-0.4.5/multipath.conf.annotated to see if mulipathd is in the options scope), you must restart multipathd for these to take effect. To do that, run
# /etc/init.d/multipathd restart
Explanation of output ----------------------- When you create, modify, or list a multipath device, you get a printout of the current device setup. The format is as follows.
For each multipath device:
action_if_any: alias (wwid_if_different_from_alias) [size][features][hardware_handler]
For each path group:
\_ scheduling_policy [path_group_priority_if_known][path_group_status_if_known]
For each path:\_ host:channel:id:lun devnode major:minor [dm_status_if_known][path_status]
The dm status (dm_status_if_known) is like the path status (path_status), but from the kernel's point of view. The dm status has two states: "failed", which is analogous to "faulty", and "active" which covers all other path states. Occasionally, the path state and the dm state of a device will temporarily not agree.
NOTE: When a multipath device is being created or modified, the path group status and the dm status are not known. Also, the features are not always correct. When a multipath device is being listed, the path group priority is not known.
Restrictions --------------- DM-MP cannot be run on either the root or boot device.
Other Sources of information ---------------------------- Configuration file explanation: /usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipathd-0.4.5/multipath.conf.annotated
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